Dehydration on the Body
Sixty percent of the human body is made of water. About two thirds of the inside of the human cell is water weight. The other one third of water weight is present outside of the cell like in the blood and other bodily fluids. For any age, it is important to maintain homeostasis of the concentration of water within our body for proper bodily functions. When the normal water content in the body is reduced and more water is lost then taken in, equilibrium is shifted and causes a change in an array of functions in the body. Even a small loss of water has a ripple effect on your body. Early signs of dehydration are feeling light headed, dry mouth, tired, dark urine or not urinating often. In these cases, it is important to drink a lot of fluids.
Serious cases of dehydration can cause serious issues for the body including seizures, brain damage and even death. There have been various studies linking dehydration to mood disturbances. Dehydration reduces motor skills and human cognitive function, causing short term memory and attention span. There have been studies that indicate that driving dehydrated may even be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol! It causes increased sensitivity to pain due to the imbalance of salt and water concentration.
In women in particular, even being slightly dehydrated is enough to cause moodiness, headaches and fatigue. In a study with 25 women between the ages of 20 to 25, the women were instructed to exercise with sufficient water intake to replace the fluids lost during sweating. On the second, less water was given after exercise to induce dehydration. Then, on the third day, the women were given insufficient water and diuretic pills. The women who were dehydrated scored lower on mood assessment questionnaires. It was harder to get work done and they observed more headaches, fatigue and confusion throughout the day.
Drink to be happy because staying hydrated is crucial for optimal body function. Water is the best way to stay hydrated. However, there are still other effective products such as fruits like watermelon, grapes, and citrus, and drinks like gatorade, smoothies or any drink with electrolytes. Sugar based and caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee are less effective.